Consider this my inaugural blog post as I embark on my new venture as Mint Jutras, LLC. When you think of Mint Jutras, feel free to use the “sounds like mint julep” to help you remember my name, but I am much too much a true New Englander to ever be confused with a southern belle. And besides, mint juleps are definitely a seasonal drink and the kind of research and analyst insights you will be seeing from Mint Jutras are for all seasons. So when you think of Mint Jutras, think of “mint” as in minting coins (creating money), or maybe “mint condition.” And I didn’t have to agonize over a color scheme!
Over the next few weeks, you’ll see a formal website ( but in the meantime, I just couldn’t stop writing about how Enterprise Solution Providers and their products can help companies achieve the kind of operational excellence they seek. While others might dwell on failed implementations and horror stories, I prefer to focus on the business benefits of enterprise applications, particularly when you select a good product and do it right.
For those of you who know me as VP and Research Fellow from the Aberdeen Group… I still intend to do some work with Aberdeen, so you might still see my name on new research documents as a Distinguished Research Fellow. But I am also working on a partnership with a research firm that will allow me to continue to conduct survey-based research that will help me add insight and substance to blogs, papers, webcasts and podcasts and more. More on that later.
So, welcome to my blog! Feel free to comment or email me at
Cindy Jutras, Principal, Mint Jutras, LLC
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